let’s be childish

Do you ever feel want to do something childish? Like scream or cry, singing out loud or even doing something stupid? Every person must have a childish, and it is not a shameful thing. sometimes we need to bring out our childish to scream out loud or laugh it so every emotions and tension will released in yourself.

image Picture source : http://blogizenk.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/humor-lucu-bayi-wc1.jpg?w=226&h=299

Don’t be afraid that  anyone else will laughs at you when you doing something childish, because when you’re child, you act without a obstacle between emotion, imagination and expression, people who express himself is a happy person because they can discover anything new than people who just anxious about everything. But remember to choose the right time to do it, if not, you’ll be deemed insane and sent to mental hospital (lmao)

If  you asked what I liked from my childhood until now, my answer is reading comics, because by reading the comics, all my problem seemed to disappear and replaced with a story of adventure or imagination in the comics that I read. 😀
Why I did not choose a novel, because reading a novel is very heavy for the kids (tongue) , and anyway it is boring to read novels, take a long time to finish it (haha) .

So, do you have a childish things that sometimes appear?

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