Behavior on the road

As the urban people lived in big city, although i lived on suburbs, spent my days over four hours on the street, with all the traffic and all the people involving inside it. I can tell that there are many behavior of people on the road, from kindly behavior until jerking behavior and from good rider to reckless driver is all on the road.

car fight

source :

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A day with TransJakarta

I think many of Jakarta’s people have already know about TransJakarta bus and maybe have tried to using it as an alternative transportation, or even using it ad daily transportation, Well, I’m rare using it, usually I ride my bike or driving. But now I just want to share my story a few days ago when using Transjakarta Transportation Bus to buy some office materials in Atrium Senen. :-))

Bus TransjakartaSource : wikipedia

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Why I loved Depok’s Traffic

I’ve grown up in Depok since I was 4 years old, and learn to ride bicycle since 24 years ago. Back then, the traffic around depok is still rarely, I could play bicycle with my brother to highway street called Akses UI, and it’s still safe for 10 years old boys to crossing streets alone, because the number of vehicle is still infrequent. :-))

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There always a first time for everything

It’s been a long time since i want to make an English post in my blog. But I’m still afraid because of my bad English language, and i have no idea about what will I wrote in here. But after i looked and read in my brother’s blog, I found that I must write about anything and everything. Just like my other post, but this time write it in English (rock)After all, sooner or later I must make my paper and journal in English, so I supposed there’s nothing wrong if I started here, make a writing and typing just to learn how to string up word to be a post. Maybe someday, if i could travel abroad  and stay for a while in other countries, I have no difficulties in communication with others, just like my Brother. (banana_cool) One thing for sure, I don’t wanna make mistake when ordering a food (hungry) not like last time when I’m abroad  (annoyed)
In this first post, I just want to apologize if there’s any miss type, wrong structure, and other mistake in my other post later, because I’m only a beginner and still need more lesson from You.

DeBlogger, Berbagi kasih untuk mereka yang (hampir) terlupakan….

Bersyukurlah bagi yang masih memiliki opa-oma atau kakek-nenek, karena saya hanya tinggal memiliki seorang kakek saja, Mungkin bisa di ingat berapa kali Anda mengunjungi mereka? berbagi kebahagiaan dengan kakek-nenek yang tersayang.. Diantara mereka mungkin ada yang tinggal dekat bersama keluarga atau mungkin beberapa ada yang tinggal di panti..

Sabtu 5 september kemarin, rekan-rekan Blogger Depok (DeBlogger) bikin acara kunjungan ke sebuah panti werdha di kawasan sawangan depok.. disana kami berbagi sedikit kebahagiaan kepada para lansia yang kami panggil dengan sebutan oma dan opa.. Saya sendiri tidak bisa hadir pada acara karena pekerjaan, semoga video dari kami DeBlogger bisa sedikit memberikan gambaran bahwa para opa dan oma ini sangat senang sekali dengan kedatangan kami. tentunya para anggota deblogger pun merasa sangat senang bisa menghibur mereka, semoga mereka bisa merasakan bahwa mereka tidak terlupakan, mereka memiliki cucu-cucu yang lain yang mengunjungi mereka..